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Thursday, 28 January 2016

Google fears Facebook !!!!!!!!!!!

Why Faceboook?

Easily to be and it is already !!!! Integrated in human LIVES !!

For Facebook, the key to success is not just getting users to visit Facebook once a day, dipping in and out of shared and native content, it’s getting them to stay and essentially live in Facebook’s world.

Facebook can’t achieve this goal without search.

Yes, there is a form of search in Facebook now. It looks at posts inside the network and does a decent job of revealing associated users and content, but there is, obviously, a vast world of information outside of Facebook that, for the most part, is Google’s purview.

What if Facebook created a NEW SEARCH bar, by which instead google , people start using this search bar?

Facebook could license Bing search results. The social network has a longstanding (and financial) friendship with Microsoft. Facebook could integrate Bing results. I know, Facebookdropped Bing a couple of years ago in favor of Graph Search, but it was mostly devoted tointernal results. I want more. On the desktop, Facebook could even integrate the new Microsoft Edge Web browser engine so that Web search results could still be viewed within Facebook.

Facebook as both medium and platform?

The other option, my preference, is for Facebook to build its own search engine. Remember, they’re building some powerful artificial intelligence in Facebook’s labs that could be used to power a more heuristic search machine. As Zuckerberg said on Wednesday, their visual AI can “see a new image and answer questions about it.” That kind of intelligence can intuit a lot of information from graphical and text information indexed from the Web. If Facebook is smart, though, it will build a search engine that does not try to organize the world’s information, but instead triangulates with existing interests on Facebook. At least that’s how it could quickly build a search engine to start.

Facebook aim is working, CONNECTING THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
